Lorca Culture


Travel with PlanOut to know the city of Lorca. We will arrive at the Visitor Center of Lorca, and begin our visit to the historic center, where we can visit the Plaza de España, the exterior City Hall and Collegiate (exterior and interior), Palacio de Guevara, exterior and interior patio, the Craft Center and the Museum of Embroidery of Holy Week (White or Blue Step, according to calendar). We will also visit the Interpretation Center of Lorca Workshop of the time and we will go up to the Castle, arriving at the Synagogue. After the meal , we will start our visit to Castillo-Fortaleza, a fortress of medieval origin built between the 9th and 15th centuries. The Castle of Lorca was a key bastion in the battles between Christians and Muslims during the Reconquest. It is classified as an Asset of Cultural Interest and within the delimitation of the historic-artistic complex of Lorca.


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Lorca Culture

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    Lorca Culture


    Travel with PlanOut to know the city of Lorca. We will arrive at the Visitor Center of Lorca, and begin our visit to the historic center, where we can visit the Plaza de España, the exterior City Hall and Collegiate (exterior and interior), Palacio de Guevara, exterior and interior patio, the Craft Center and the […]

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